Question 1: How does Carbon Offsetting Work?

Step 1: Calculate Your Emissions

To offset your emissions, you first need to calculate your carbon footprint, including energy use, transportation, and food consumption.

Our audit trained team can assist you with this calculation if needed.

Step 2: Purchase Credits

You can buy voluntary carbon offset credits from us. They can be either existing (for now) or future (watch them being created) ones. 

We offer various pricing and purchase options, supporting certified, high-quality greenhouse gas reduction projects that are independently verified.

Step 3: Support Sustainable Projects

When you purchase voluntary carbon offset credits, the majority of your contribution goes towards communities with NGOs or other ethically aligned projects managers to drive equality and other UNSDG societal progression whilst also reducing carbon emissions, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency programs, reforestation, or methane capture projects.

Question 2: What is Carbon Offsetting?

Carbon offsetting is a process that allows individuals or businesses to balance out their carbon footprint by funding or purchasing offsets from projects that reduce, remove or avoid carbon emissions from the atmosphere. 

By purchasing voluntary carbon offset credits, you can compensate (or offset) your carbon emissions while supporting the scaled incremental growth of sustainable projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Question 3: Does G.I.F.T. sell to anyone?

If you are a consumer, we will sell directly to you. 
If you are a business, institution or government with clear sustainable policies and impacts, we can also work with you. 

If you need assistance with this, feel free to contact us

Question 4: How do you ensure voluntary carbon offset credits are not sold multiple times and the projects exist?

Its simple really. We cut out the middle men and ability for not being able to verify if these have been registered. All voluntary carbon offset credits that are sold through G.I.F.T. are directly sold through G.I.F.T. with the voluntary carbon offset sellers beneficiaries. Also, we will provide you with the registry entry relevant to your purchase which is held on our register and also on the accreditation body who verified the project.

Question 5: Can we buy future voluntary carbon offset credits?

Yes, not only do we have access to a large volume of voluntary carbon offset credits now, but we can facilitate your purchasing of future ones so you can make sure you have them for your future needs. In this case, you can be part of the creation process and in doing so verify the projects as a trusted partner to the project helping our planet and its people. 

Look Forward to a Greener Future

Be a catalyst for positive change and let G.I.F.T. be your partner in this process.